[progressally_vimeo_video id='1' vimeo_id='322144584' width='900' height='500' ]

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This training is quick to go through but may take you some time to really leverage the content provided in this course.

This was originally made as a bonus but it is powerful enough to stand on its own. 

This training is great if:

  • You have launched something before and it felt like you didn’t know what to do when
  • You want to launch something and want a plan to follow
  • Want to create a better strategy for the future as you decide to release new programs


  • The PREV & NEXT buttons allow you to move back and forth between videos and resources within a course
  • If there is a downloadable recourse you will see it in the blue box
  • You can click on the sidebar to move through the course to different lessons

Progress: [progressally_progress_bar]



Some of our lessons have an awesome workbook you can download. We only add in workbooks when we feel like it adds to the value of the course. If you don't see anything to download on this tab check out the Resources tab to check out additional supplemental content. 

No downloads for this lesson