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Welcome to Create Your Financial Plan  

All too often we hop into our business and hit the ground running. This is great because it gets us into action, but it also usually means we don’t pay as much attention to how we use our money, what we make, what we spend, and how we sell.
This short training helps break down what we want, how to map out pricing and figure out your financial plan.

This training is great if:

  • You have a business and want to grow
  • You aren’t always sure what you want to make or how you want to position yourself
  • You aren’t sure what you spend.


  • The PREV & NEXT buttons allow you to move back and forth between videos and resources within a course
  • If there is a downloadable recourse you will see it in the blue box
  • You can click on the sidebar to move through the course to different lessons

Progress: [progressally_progress_bar]



Some of our lessons have an awesome workbook you can download. We only add in workbooks when we feel like it adds to the value of the course. If you don't see anything to download on this tab check out the Resources tab to check out additional supplemental content.