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Welcome to Mindmapping 101

You might find yourself coming back to this training and exercise over and over again.

Mindmapping is one of the most powerful mapping tools you will ever use in your business.

You have a ton of ideas and you need to not only figure out which ideas will help your business grow the most, but you also need to flesh out those ideas in order to bring them to life.

Mindmapping is the easiest way to get your ideas out and organized.

This training is great if:

  • You have several ideas and you want to work through which one is the best for you right now.
  • You have a project you need to plan out and you aren’t sure of the steps you need to take to launch the project.
  • You want to get creative and brainstorm different ways to execute an idea.


  • The PREV & NEXT buttons allow you to move back and forth between videos and resources within a course
  • If there is a downloadable recourse you will see it in the blue box
  • You can click on the sidebar to move through the course to different lessons

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