Welcome to your NTCS Points Page

You currently have [accessally_field_value operation_id="21"] points [accessally_user_firstname]

To turn your points in for a hot seat with Dana please email support@boss-mom.com.

You must redeem points by September 30, 2024.

You can schedule your hot seats through December 31, 2024

The NTCA Facebook group, group calls, and earning points will end on September 30th.

Stages Progress

[progressally_objectives objective_id="24,18,19" layout="show|end-of-line"]


Watch Content:
To earn points for this section simply check off the boxes for each course (located within the course) as you finish each video. Points will be auto-rewarded once completed. Please give 48 hours for our system to update.

[progressally_objectives objective_id="25,26,27,28,29,5" layout="show|end-of-line"]


Watch Content:
To earn points for this section simply check off the boxes for each course (located within the course) as you finish each video. Points will be auto-rewarded once completed. Please give 48 hours for our system to update.

[progressally_objectives objective_id="1,30,2,6,31,32" layout="show|end-of-line"]


Point Values:

You earn 20 points for each of the following items

  • Give a video testimonial for your first month
  • Give a video testimonial
  • Complete the Fundamentals Course
  • Complete the Business Model Course
  • Complete the Project Management Course
  • Complete the Build Authority Course
  • Complete the Social Planning Course 
  • Complete the Simple Sales Funnel Course
  • Complete 90 Day Nurture Course
  • Get featured 5+ times
  • Start an accountability Group
  • Launch an authority platform
  • Create Your Opt-in (using our guide)
  • Create Your Easy Yes (using our guide)
  • Write your 90-day email nurture
  • Reach the Momentum Stage*

You earn 10 points for each item you complete below

  • Complete the Facebook Group Course 
  • Read one of the books we recommend
  • Give a written testimonial about your first month
  • Give a written testimonial

You earn 5 points for each item you complete below

  • Each time you complete one of the smaller courses
  • Create your manifesto
  • Get featured (for the first time after joining NTCS)


What you can get with your points:

  • Costs 100 points: Live 20 Minute hot seat coaching session with Dana