It's great to see you again. Do you want to pick up where you left off?

We LOVE to reward action, bravery, and gumption (plus we love that word). So NTCS is a points-based membership where you earn points for completing courses, implementing our system, and making things happen.
You currently have [accessally_field_value operation_id="21"] points [accessally_user_firstname]
To turn your points in for a hot seat with Dana please email support@boss-mom.com.
You must redeem points by September 30, 2024.
You can schedule your hot seats through December 31, 2024
The NTCA Facebook group, group calls, and earning points will end on September 30th.

Grab the Canva Webinar template (not templatized, but simple to make your own) - CANVA WEBINAR TEMPLATE
Check out the recording from the How to put together a Proposal & Presentation for a corporate business call

Monthly Group Coaching Call:
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8am PST - 11am PST.
Link to join: www.nurturetoconvert.com/groupcall
You can submit questions to be answered on the monthly group call:

At NTCS there are lots of ways to get the micro-coaching support you need. Your first stop should always be the NTCS Facebook Group where you can post your questions and get awesome feedback from members as well as Loom videos from Deanna, Danielle, and Dana (your three coaches).